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 Home > Stoves > CINOX SERIES




VIANA (60cm)

 - Cocina cerrada sin obra de albañilería de 100 cm. con cajón.

 - Horno Inox.

 - Herrajes lacados o cromados

 - Visión del fuego

 - Removedor de ceniza

 - Recoge condensaciones

 - Doble combustión.

 - Regulación del tiro y de la temperatura del horno

 - Control de la temperatura de la encimera


Reference Dimensions Name
A 60 NC Ancho 60 x alto 85 x fondo 60 Closed non-heating sotve, with no building work involved
C 60 NC Ancho 60 x alto 85 x fondo 60 Closed non-heating sotve, with no building work involved drawer
L 60 NC Ancho 60 x alto 85 x fondo 60 Closed non-heating sotve, with no building work involved and with firewood rack.
LC 60 NC ancho 60 x alto 85 x fondo 60 Closed non-heating stove, with no building work involved and with firewood rack and rounded drawer.

E. Platero s.l.  berotu  @  berotu .com
Juin, 1 Apdo. 73 Tel. 943 851 808 · Fax 943 852 489
20720 Azkoitia (Gipuzkoa)
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